LYON Method ExerciseProgram
The LYON Method Exercise Program has been designed to complement the action of the brace and reinforce the principles of the treatment.
Precise exercises have been designed for each type of scoliosis curve, according to the specific spine deformation and postural disorganization of the patient.
Patients treated with the SpineCor® brace must only carry out the exercises exclusively designed for his/her type of scoliosis curve to avoid interfering with the action of the brace.
Lyon method Exercise Treatment Principles:
The Lyon Method Exercise Program is integral Corrective Movement which complies with and follows the Corrective Movement Principle, helping to integrate it, in order to:
Obtain a faster consolidation of progressive curve reduction.
Improve the neuro-muscular integration and postural reorganisation.
Muscular Re-balance Exercises:
global muscular work, by eccentric contraction of shortened muscles and concentric contraction of extended counter lateral muscles at the same time, starting from Corrective Movement position, reinforcing this Corrective Movement and looking for postural over-correction.
Respiratory Exercises:
done in combination with postural re-education and muscular re-balance exercises.