LA / Orange County, CA

16 yo Male Pt. Before the Brace

16 yo Male Pt. Before the Brace

16 ys Male Pt. same day initial brace fitting

16 ys Male Pt. same day initial brace fitting

23 yo Female Before the Brace

23 yo Female Before the Brace

23 yo Female 6 mo. Post Brace

23 yo Female 6 mo. Post Brace

11 Female Before the Brace

11 Female Before the Brace

11 FemaleSame Day of Fitting

11 FemaleSame Day of Fitting

20 yo Male Before the Brace treatment

20 yo Male Before the Brace treatment

20 yo Male. 1 year 6 mo. post Brace

20 yo Male. 1 year 6 mo. post Brace

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Obtaining Optimal ResultsGiven an overall therapeutic success of 89% the ultimate treatment outcome and potential to avoid surgery will always be better the earlier treatment is started.

Obtaining Optimal Results

Given an overall therapeutic success of 89% the ultimate treatment outcome and potential to avoid surgery will always be better the earlier treatment is started.

What is SpineCor Brace ? 橙郡脊椎侧弯症矫正中心


SpineCor® was developed in the early 1990s after rigorous research and clinical trials by a team of 65 researchers based at Ste Justine Hospital in Montreal, Canada.
It was developed to correct or stop progressive scoliosis, principally in children with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS).  

SpineCor® treatment is now used in 20 countries around the world and over 10,000 patients have been successfully treated.

SpineCor® treatment is different to conventional non-surgical treatments which are all essentially rigid or semi-rigid braces.  SpineCor® recognizes and attempts to control not only the progression of the spinal deformity, but works to rebalance and strengthen the abnormal musculature, improve posture and to reinforce and integrate neurological feedback.

SpineCor® treatment for adults was developed in 2004 as an evolution of the paediatric treatment.  Very quickly it became clear that SpineCor® treatment on adults could produce small but important changes in their spinal alignment, with the most significant effect of this being pain relief.  

Clinical experience during the two year development of the brace involving 200 patients demonstrated pain relief within a few hours of being fitted in some cases, with 90% of patients reporting pain relief within six weeks of use


Scoliosis Exercise


The SpineCor® Exercise Program has been designed to complement the action of the brace and reinforce the principles of the treatment. 

Precise exercises have been designed for each type of scoliosis curve, according to the specific spine deformation and postural disorganization of the patient. 

Patients treated with the SpineCor® brace must only carry out the exercises exclusively designed for his/her type of scoliosis curve to avoid interfering with the action of the brace.

Mira Suh,    Orthotist, Scoliosis Specialist, Lyon Method Scoliosis Exercise Certified

Mira Suh, Orthotist, Scoliosis Specialist, Lyon Method Scoliosis Exercise Certified